Knitting, crocheting, quilting… Grandmas are craft wizards, and they’re channeling their magic into handmade gifts just for you. Here are some gems from across the internet.
1. Asked grandma for some hats.
2. A homemade vest to “wear to parties.”
3. An awesome hand knit 8-bit Christmas present
4. A must have Jeep accessory.
5. Just when you thought it was safe to get back on the couch.
6. Grandma’s been watching too much Game of Thrones.
7. Grandma will own everyone in scrabble and then taunt you with a quilt.
8. Don’t complain about being cold around grandma.
9. The scarf to end all scarfs.
10. Giving thanks to grandma for this one.
11. Grandma’s levels might be a little off.
12. Oh you like Star Wars? Grandma’s got you.
13. Pikachu’s reaction says it all.
14. Save some yarn for the rest of the world grandma.
15. Sometimes grandma says she made you something but she’s a straight up liar.
16. Cool grandma knits grandson some Yeezys.
17. Grandma knows you know your Pokemon. GOOMY.
18. Hockey grandma takes pity on your sensitive feet.
19. Not sure what this is, but you better be wearing it when she comes over.
20. Those Back to the Future sneakers don’t actually exist? They do now.
21. Grandma is a boss.
via boredpanda