These monstrosities came into this world and need to be taken right back out. Here are all of your favorite cartoon characters…ruined.
1. More like thumbs down.
2. Mama said knock you out.
3. Wrong on multiple levels.
4. Ok this one’s kinda clever.
5. The crossover no one asked for.
6. Some people call me a space cowboy.
7. Maurice
8. Merge
9. Deepo the fish who is for sure up to something.
10. Who lives in a pineapple in the bowels of hell?
11. Midlife crisis Winnie the Pooh.
12. Do your kids have trouble sleeping? They will.
13. If you say so.
14. 🎵 I love you, no one loves me… 🎵
15. No. No you are not, Tooly.
16. Not a thing.
17. Frozen in my nightmares.
18. Pinktrick
19. Killllll meeeeeee
20. Not how I remember it.
21. If Toy Story was a horror movie.
22. Empty for good reason.
23. Cruel
24. No thanks, Bort.
via Buzzfeed