40 Times ‘Task Failed Successfully’ Turned Epic Fails Into Wins This Week (June 14, 2024)

The internet is a fan club for life’s unexpected plot twists, especially when a “fail” morphs into a win with the elegance of a clumsy swan turning into a ballet dancer mid-fall. These “Task Failed Successfully” moments are like life winking at us, reminding us that even our missteps can lead to fame, or at least to a good chuckle online. It’s a collection of happy accidents and serendipitous blunders that prove sometimes the best outcomes weren’t even on our radar.

This online community, a melting pot of accidental geniuses and fans of fate’s funny bone, celebrates the beauty in the chaos of our attempts gone awry. It’s not just about failing or succeeding; it’s about landing somewhere unexpectedly fantastic and sharing a laugh about it. So, cheers to the mess-ups that turn into mess-glorious, because who doesn’t love a story with an unexpected twist?

1. “Double Trouble”

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2. “Failed Successfully: Cheating”

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3. “I Guess I’ll Give It Another Try”

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4. “She Spittin Straight Fax!”

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5. “My Bank Sent Me 28 Letters In The Mail To Inform Me I Have Opted Out Of Receiving Paper Statements”

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6. “Successfail Race”

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7. “Puzzle”

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8. “Well Yes But Actually No”

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9. “Successfail Pretender”

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10. “But The Sign On The Wall Said”

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11. “Yes”

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12. “Our Smoke Detector Caught Fire”

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13. “Went Axe Throwing In Our Yard And Yeah…”

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14. “I Guess That’s A Win”

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15. “Battle Of The Sign Successfails”

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16. “Somewhere In Japan, Someone’s Sprayer Got Broke Along The Handle”

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17. “An Interesting Title”

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18. “My Jar Of Salsa Broke Rather Practically”

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19. “After Accepting A Gift On Steam, Thanks For The Useful Information!”

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20. “Man Buys A Car With Cigarette Money Then Dies”

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21. “Different Kind Of Date”

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22. “Went To Mcdonald’s And Ordered A Cheeseburger With Ketchup Only.. Well I Guess I Got What I Ordered”

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23. “Another One”

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24. “We Were Talking About Running”

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25. “Task Failed Successfully? (Found This On Youtube)”

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26. “My GF Tried To Catch A Moth. It Was Easier Than Expected”

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27. “Light Connection”

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28. “There’s Always A Funny One”

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29. “It Works I Guess”

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30. “Me Irl”

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31. “Saw This Rather Attractive Window Display In London Today”

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32. “Walked Into The Kitchen To Find This Monstrosity”

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33. “Successfail Hookup”

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34. “Pretzels”

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35. “Good Enough For Me”

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36. “Does This Count?”

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37. “My Fly Catcher Caught A Fly On The Non Sticky Part”

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38. “Gay Task Failed Succesfully”

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39. “Umm”

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40. “Failed To Start Because Of The Following Error: The Operation Completed Successfully”

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h/t: r/taskfailsuccessfully


Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.