Who Gets Treated Like A Genius But Really Shouldn’t Be? Here’s What People Are Saying

It takes a special kind of idiot to be regarded as a genius despite having obvious intellectual shortcomings. These people may have IQs that fall to the far left side of the bell curve, but they still became massively influential, their word gospel to legions of loyal followers.

These dummies fostered cults of personality, becoming so much to the world despite having so little between their ears. It’s almost inspirational. But unfortunately, most of their ideologies are regressive, harmful, or just plain boring.

People took to Reddit to gripe about these so-called geniuses who have done nothing to earn the title. Let’s dive in.

1. Dr. Phil

“Dr. Phil.

He’s a horrible person. He uses people who are in emotional crisis to make a ton of money.

Of course, a lot of his guests are pretty light in the intellectual department as well.”


2. Simon Cowell

“Simon Cowell.

Ironically, he spends so much of his time seeking “talent” when he has very little himself. While he knows the music industry, his father got him the job that brought him into it at EMI. Even left that job only to come back when he couldn’t make it on his own.

He knows virtually nothing about music itself, or singing, instruemnts or anything really technical about anything that goes on around him.

While his comments about vulnerable, “talentless” people used to be a draw – now that sort of thing is frowned upon – it turns out that when he’s not being a prick, he’s boring as hell.

He was also stupid enough to believe that a cosmetic surgeon could make him not look like he’s over 60 when, in reality, he’s now morphing into a Bo Selecta caricature of himself.”

3. Gary Vee

“Gary Vee

“The youth pastor of capitalism”

All this dude does is tell you want you want to hear without outright saying it, and says things for the sake of generating social media engagement instead of well thought out and heartfelt advice.

He’s never had the same life situation and vice versa as the demographic he targets being single directionless 18-28 year olds who are easily susceptible to “make this much money doing this idea”.

All he did was take his family’s luxury wine business that already was successful selling overpriced bottles of wine to Rich Italian and Jewish housewives in New Jersey and just took it online like every other business did in the 2000’s.

Your average 20 something year old doesn’t have that same luxury obviously to bankroll all the s**t they Vee is telling them to do like just start the most random business idea ever or just become an “entrepreneur bro”.”


4. Oprah

“Oprah is the ultimate poseur.

Her whole schtick of is sensationalism, but whenever she has a celebrity interview you notice she’s always taking on and taking off her glasses, listening intently and chewing on the ear piece after asking absolutely cringe and inane questions, as if that alone makes her a “serious” journalist.

So embarrassing, no matter how much that phoniness made her rich.”

5. L. Ron Hubbard

“L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology).

I waffle on this myself if I’m honest. Sometimes I think he’s a genius who made a cult for profit.

Other times I think he’s an imbecile who decided to keep riding the wave he accidentally started.”


6. Vladimir Putin

“Vladimir Putin.

Hasn’t done a single thing right for years and turned himself into a paranoid bunker dictator.

For some reason there are still a lot of people idolizing him.”


“Most billionaires.

It’s easy to appear as though you’re smart when you have enough money to be able to afford a lifetime’s worth of free time to research and learn about your interests or business desires.

Then once you have the first few million wealth can exponentially increase with the right moves.”


8. Morrissey


Don’t get me wrong, I love a lot of the stuff from The Smiths and his early solo career (through the ’90s), but he is now a bitter, delusional idiot.

I feel sorry for him in a way because I suspect his depression has gotten a lot worse as he’s aged, and that’s not going to improve anyone’s intellect or personality.”

9. Tony Robbins

“Tony Robbins.

If I was six foot four with a booming voice, teeth like bathroom tile and total utter self-confidence I could make money giving speeches too.”


10. Russell Brand

“Russell Brand.

He is always trying to sound profound but it’s so obvious that he just doesn’t have the brain power to say anything meaningful.”

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Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.