Here’s to Labor Day…
When it’s Sunday night and you remember it’s a three-day weekend:
When you were little and your mom said, “Okay, who broke this?”:
When you’re on your third dessert at a buffet:
When your parents ask you who you’re talking to on the phone:
When you see someone wearing socks with sandals:
Saying, “You’re welcome” really loud after someone doesn’t say, Thank you”:
When you start watching a TV show in the middle of the season:
When someone sees all the food on your plate and asks, “Are you really going to eat all that?”:
When you accidentally put your phone’s ringtone on maximum volume:
When you think you finally have the bartender’s attention and then he serves someone else:
When you feign interest in a boring story:
When you think about going to the gym:
When you throw something at the garbage can and it goes in:
When an artist you like releases a new song:
When you wake up the next day after partying all night:
When you read your drunk texts the morning after:
When you try to see out the airplane window from the aisle seat:
Most of these come from here, here and here. I came up with a few on my own.
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