Your Daily Life in GIFs (3.25.13)

When you drop something and try to catch it before it hits the ground:

When someone keeps knocking on the bathroom door:

When your friends ask you not to spoil the episode, but you do anyway:

When you get in the shower before the water has warmed up:

When someone bumps into you and doesn’t apologize:

When your phone rings and it says, “Unknown number”:

When you smell cookies in the other room:

When you were little and your parents wanted you to take a bath:

When you mistake a customer for a salesperson:

When the self-flushing toilet flushes before you’re done:

When someone offers you health food:

When someone complains about your work:

When you get two of your favorite color in a Starburst 2-Pack:

When you hear your voice on a recording:

When you see someone ahead of you ordering the last chocolate donut:

When you’re waiting for your friend to text you back:

Most of these come from herehere and here. I came up with a few on my own.

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