- Totally Legit: Michelle Bachmann’s amazing retirement video.
- List: 23 Mistakes You’ll Definitely Make When You’re in Your 20’s. I’m pretty sure I’m 98% through that entire list and I still have 6 years until I hit the big 3-0.
- LOL: This cat would rather you not print anything, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
- So This Happened: Someone recreated Bohemian Rhapsody with popular Advice Animal memes, appropriately titled Bememean Rhapsody. I love you, Internet.
- True Story: The subtle parking laws of L.A.
- OMG: Thing #462 that you never want to admit ever happened.
- (Above) Touché, touché. [via]
Weekend Links hand-picked by the ladies at Daily of the Day, be sure to check them out.