Your Daily Life in GIFs (7.22.13)

Trying to get a job in this economy:

When you open your camera on your phone and it’s switched to front facing:

When you find out the concert you want to go to is sold out:

When one of your relatives messages you online:

When you tell someone not to mention any spoilers, but then they mention spoilers:

When you actually try to cook:

When you see a hot person:

When a friend screws up a presentation:

Joining a show in the middle of a season:

Getting dressed in your room when someone tries to come in:

When you’re at a store and put something back in a different place than where you picked it up:

When you successfully get away with a lie:

When someone says, “Think fast!”:

When you and your friend see someone you hate:

When you watch the Food Network:

When you post something on Facebook and it gets zero likes:

Most of these come from herehere and here. I came up with a few on my own.

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