Your Daily Life in GIFs (8.19.13)

Your summer vacation:

When the clock hits five o’clock on Friday:

When you receive a compliment:

When you’re left alone with someone you don’t know:

Laying in bed thinking about a million things at once:

When you show up at a BBQ and all the food is almost gone:

When your best friends have an inside joke without you:

When you’re walking and your friends make it across a busy intersection, but you have to wait:

When MS Word asks if you want to save any changes, but you didn’t change anything:

When someone tells you to wait patiently:

When you realize you’re chewing on a borrowed pen:

When you understand a joke on The Big Bang Theory:

When you walk into a room and can’t find your friends:

When you hear your favorite band in public:

When you’re the only single one among your friends:

Your reaction after reading all of these reaction GIFs:

Most of these come from herehere and here. I came up with a few on my own.

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