Your Daily Life in GIFs (8.26.13)

When you saw the Miley Cyrus VMA performance:

When you catch your cat doing something cute:

When you’re home alone and hear a door creak:


When you realize someone is staring at you:

Laying in bed and realizing you forgot to put the laundry in the dryer:

Trying to get to McDonalds before they stop serving breakfast and your friend is taking her sweet ass time:

When someplace is cash only:

When someone tells you to smile for a photo:

When the waiter asks, “Would you like more bread?”:

What most people consider “getting to first base”:

What you consider “getting to first base”:

Watching people chew with their mouths open:

Meeting your significant other’s family for the first time:

When you lose sight of your mouse icon, so you do this with the mouse until you find it:

When you tap your friend on the opposite shoulder and they look:

When your friend asks if you want to go to the gym:

Most of these come from herehere and here. I came up with a few on my own.

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