Going through pictures of yourself and trying to find a good one to post:
Hearing holiday music for the first time of the year:
Hearing holiday music for the 243rd time of the year:
When you see a couple making out in public:
Waiting for your food to be done in the microwave:
Looking back at pictures of yourself in high school:
When your significant other comes home from eating out:
When you were little and your parents told you, “No”:
Trying to convince your friend to keep drinking with you:
When someone says they don’t like pumpkin pie:
Turning an old shirt into new pajamas:
When someone sneezes on you:
When you inhale to speak and end up choking on your own spit:
Before you have coffee in the morning:
Finding out your friends had fun without you:
When someone invades your personal space:
Most of these come from here, here and here. I came up with some on my own.
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