This Thread About Kids Having Random Temper Tantrums Is Making Parents Everywhere Say ‘Yep, Pretty Much’

Kids can be cute. Sure. I’ll admit it.

They make little handmade cards full misspelled words, they have really pure and interesting ideas about space travel, and their favorite animal probably changes on a daily basis. Plus, they are probably the only members of the human race that can truly pull of the knitted-cap-with-ears look.

But, for every display of cuteness, there is so a requisite act of childish evil — usually in the form of an utterly arbitrary temper tantrum.

Twitter user @SparkyROAR recently shared a snapshot of a family on the sidewalk in Chicago. Apparently, the youngest member was deeply disturbed by the fact that his gloves matched his coat, and was choosing to express his displeasure by … laying face-first on the sidewalk.

Honestly, it’s hard to be mad. This kid is clearly dedicated to his own cause.

The incident led to other commenters musing about why kids get riled up over such mundane shit.

Parents began sharing instances of their children’s own erratic temper tantrums.