16 Of The Most Millennial Failures Of All Time

1. Letting your diabolical friends have access to your phone.

2. Forgetting to double-check your messages to your boss.

3. Not reading the freakin’ syllabus.

4. Taking a selfie instead of helping in a crisis.

5. Not reading the directions carefully.

6. Texting your grandma while you’re inebriated.

7. Not knowing even the most basic Spanish.

8. Talking sh*t when you have a public Twitter account.



9. Accidentally sending your mom a NSFW photo.



10. Getting a little too trigger-happy with the “send” button.

11. Emailing your entire school just to find a lost Tinder match.

12. Forgetting that you ordered an Uber.

13. Falling for a trap card.

14. Having too much Disney on the brain.

15. Being a bit too trusting with technology.


16. Asking Siri for relationship advice.

H/T BuzzFeed