Every state has their point of pride. Texas BBQ is the best in the nation, California has the best surf, the best cheese is in Wisconsin. When it comes to movies, some have bigger classics than others. Sure, you can probably name a dozen films set in New York, but what about Iowa? Ohio? Lucky for you, here is the definitive list of the most well-known movie from each of our fifty states. Do you agree or disagree? Only one way to find out!
Alabama – Forrest Gump
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures
It’s a good one, y’all. Alabama should be proud to have given birth to such a memorable citizen, even if he’s not technically real.
Alaska – The Grey
Really? Did anyone actually see this?
Arizona – Raising Arizona
Photo Credit: Fox Movies
I mean, it’s right in the title.
Arkansas – Sling Blade
Sadly, this movie is pretty much what the rest of the country thinks about Arkansas.
California – Pulp Fiction
There are so many parts of California and so many films – I personally might have gone with La La Land.
Colorado – The Shining
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
Maybe being associated with a terrifying haunting isn’t everyone’s idea of good P.R., but I doubt anyone in the tourism department is complaining.
Connecticut – The Stepford Wives
Because fiction mirrors reality?
Delaware – Fight Club
Because it had to be set somewhere.
Florida – Scarface
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
Poor Florida.
Georgia – Gone with the Wind
The story of Scarlett O’Hara and her struggle to adjust to her life during and after the Civil War is certainly part-and-parcel with the South, but most people would also be able to name her hometown – Atlanta, Georgia.
Hawaii – Lilo and Stitch
Animated features FTW!
Idaho – Napoleon Dynamite
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures
I’m kind of jealous, not going to lie.
Illinois – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
If you’ve seen the movie once, you’ll remember his very Chicago day off from school – Cubs game and parade included.
Indiana – A Christmas Story
There’s no denying the story is firmly Midwestern, and Indiana is certainly that.
Iowa – Field of Dreams
“Is this heaven?” / “No, it’s Iowa.”
As an Iowan by birth, I can tell you this is actually true.
Kansas – The Wizard of Oz
Photo Credit: MGM Studios
I would venture to say that few states are as tied to a movie as Kansas is to Dorothy and her quest through Oz.
Kentucky – Coal Miner’s Daughter
Nothing like a movie about your state’s most famous daughter to make the list.
Louisiana – 12 Years A Slave
A heartbreaking film set in what was, at the time, a heartless state.
Maine – The Shawshank Redemption
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
You may not realize the prison film was set in Maine, but if you know that the novel was written by Stephen King, then you won’t be surprised. The guy has a serious hard-on for the state.
Maryland – The Blair Witch Project
In case you were planning on visiting.
Massachusetts – Jaws
You’ll be fine if you go – no sharks in Boston.
Michigan – Robocop
Photo Credit: MGM Studios
Minnesota – Fargo
This was a surprise for me because I assumed it was set in North Dakota, but that accent is unmistakable.
Mississippi – Django Unchained
Good movie? Yep. Stomach-turning? Also, yep.
Missouri – The Outlaw Josey Wales
We are proud of our outlaws. RIP Jesse James. (Though Gone Girl has to be inching up on this one now?)
Montana – Legends of the Fall
Photo Credit: Sony Pictures
A beautiful setting for a beautiful story.
Nebraska – Nebraska
Obvs. Also a great movie.
Nevada – Leaving Las Vegas
It’s not exactly the fun-loving picture most people have of Las Vegas, but it couldn’t be more accurate.
New Hampshire – Jumanji
Photo Credit: Sony Pictures
Original version forever.
New Jersey – Clerks
New Mexico – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
It seems fitting that the Land of Enchantment should play backdrop to such a classic.
New York – The Godfather
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures
The people of New York might not love being associated with the mob, but in the minds of most of America, there’s no separating them.
North Carolina – Bull Durham
One of the best movies ever made about baseball.
North Dakota – Logan
Just under the wire.
Ohio – The Silence of the Lambs
Photo Credit: MGM Studios
It’s a pretty famous movie made in Ohio, but it doesn’t scream Ohio or anything.
Oklahoma – Oklahoma!
Oregon – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
For some reason, this seems apropos.
Pennsylvania – Rocky
Photo Credit: Sony Pictures
Who can forget the iconic montage that ends with Rocky mounting the steps in Philadelphia?
Rhode Island – The Conjuring
Absolute terror set against quaint Northeastern charm.
South Carolina – The Patriot
For me it was Shag, but there’s no denying The Patriot is more famous. I guess.
South Dakota – Dances With Wolves
Photo Credit: MGM Studios
Everything Native American depresses the shit out of me, and this movie is no exception. That said, having been there, this movie is the most entertaining thing about the state.
Tennessee – Walk the Line
A more Tennessee movie one could not find.
Texas – No Country For Old Men
There are a lot of movies set in Texas that really give you the feel of the state, but this one is the most famous of all.
Utah – 127 Hours
Filed under: movies I didn’t want to see but ended up loving.
Vermont – Super Troopers
Photo Credit: Fox Searchlight
This one is a huge win in my book.
Virginia – Remember the Titans
It had to be set in the South, and it’s not the worst movie to claim.
Washington – First Blood
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
Because Rambo is just slightly more well known than Twilight.
West Virginia – October Sky
No better place to see it.
Wisconsin – The Straight Story
The funny, slightly odd, charming tale is a perfect mirror for the state it’s set in.
Wyoming – Unforgiven
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
The pinnacle of Westerns set against a gorgeous Wyoming backdrop. 10/10.
h/t: Ranker
Check these out before you go!