I enjoy art that makes me think, but these sculptures have me questioning reality itself. On one hand, these are all incredibly beautiful works of art. On the other hand, they’re all impossible and shouldn’t exist. Do they belong in a museum or on campus at Hogwarts? You be the judge, but I assure you all of these are 100% real. Check your skepticism at the door and feast your eyes on these gravity defying masterpieces.
1. The Force Of Nature By Lorenzo Quinn

2. Stone Balancing By Adrian Gray
3. La Voiture Sur Le Lampadaire By Benedetto Bufalino
4. Wursa By Daniel Firman
5. Balancing Sculptures By Jerzy Kędziora
6. Hyper-Realistic Illusions Carved Out Of Wood By Tom Eckert
7. Trans Ī Re By Fredrik Raddum
8. Les Voyageurs By Bruno Catalano
9. Window With Ladder – Too Late For Help By Leandro Erlich
10. Monte-Meubles, L’Ultime Déménagement – Leandro Erlich
11. The Virgins Of Apeldoorn By Elisabet Stienstra
12. Suspended By Menashe Kadishman
13. Take My Lighting But Don’t Steal My Thunder By Alex Chinneck
14. Pick Yourself Up And Pull Yourself Together By Alex Chinneck
15. Wurf VI By Anna Borgman And Candy Lenk
16. Car Sculptures By Gerry Judah
17. Michael Jones Sculpture By Jerzy Kędziora
18. Floating Stone By Smaban Abbas
19. Abedo By Emil Alzamora
20. Wire Fairies By Robin Wight
21. Coffee Kiss By Johnson Tsang
22. Book Sculptures By Alicia Martin
23. Pentateuque By Fabien Mérelle
24. De Vaartkapoen By Tom Frantzen
via boredpanda