18 Things Kids Under 14 Would Never Believe We Had to Do

There’s no denying that the world of technology has changed everyone’s lives very quickly. Those of us who were on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution (I was born in 1979, and from birth through college was never truly influenced by the internet) are the only generation of folks to experience both a life without modern online technology and a life that’s completely run by it.

Which means, basically, that we had unique struggles through the transition that kids today will never know. Honestly, if I don’t write this post, they may never understand how we toiled our way through fledgling technology. And wouldn’t that just be tragic?

18. Because this was sooooo much less dangerous than using your phone.


17. Pretty sure this is what’s known as the good old days.

16. I think the sound of dialup will always haunt my nightmares.

I guess kids and parents will have to find something else to fight about now.

15. Texting required serious thumb strength.

I mean, you had to press seven buttons to say ‘hey.’

14. Okay but seriously this was the worst.

So. Painful.

13. I bet kids today wouldn’t even know what to do with this thing.


11. It was almost like you could be present in your life outside of the house.


10. Might as well have been the stone age.

9. Literal worst.


8. I mean kids today think pressing a button to continue on Netflix is a lot of work.

We actually had to GET UP.

7. We’re going to be so much better equipped to deal with the dystopian future.

Which is obviously nigh.

6. When you had to put this in your cassette player to listen to your iPod.

AND we thought we were super cool. Plus it worked way better than those dumb radio things.

5. I actually forgot about this.

What was so special about Channel 3, anyway?


3. Definitely a 90s kid problem.

One I sort of miss, for some reason?

2. Oh, the pain.

1. Click, click, click, click…

This article first appeared on BuzzFeed.