20+ Kids Who Accidentally Drew Some Dirty Pictures

Drawings like these could only come from the innocent minds of kids. That’s what makes them so funny. If an adult drew them you’d immediately call the police, but kids get a pass because they’re small and dumb.

Kids have a way of being hilarious without even trying. They aren’t cynical and jaded yet, so their imaginations are free to create, and sometimes those creations are some good old, yet well intended, smut. These pictures will have you giggling, but they probably didn’t make it up on the fridge.

1. “Come in peace”

Not sure if it was here, but this drawing made me laugh. from funny

2. “Cook”

Err. I think the kid meant "cook" from funny

3. “Lighthouse”

I worked a kindergarten graduation service a couple of years ago where the kids drew their own programs. I had to save this one, obviously it’s a lighthouse. from funny

4. “A whistle”

Made a book for my dad for Father’s Day. My 13 year old sister could use practice drawing whistles from funny

5. “Firefighter”

My uncle’s a firefighter. One of the kids they rescued drew up a thank you note… from funny

6. “Scissors”

What a lovely drawing dear. from funny

7. “Teacher”

My kid’s drawing about her first day of kindergarten: her teacher. It’s pretty accurate. from funny

8. “Shovel”

Posted by Sarah Armstrong on Wednesday, February 17, 2016

9. “Whisper”

Found a drawing I did as a child. I’m a little bothered.. from pics

10. “Santa”

Posted by Amy Perry on Thursday, February 18, 2016















h/t buzzfeed


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome