11. This coffee bun that could pass as ET.
This cinnamon roll looks like an anguished ET.
byu/cheftlp1221 inmildlyinteresting
12. This chicken nugget that looks like a fully baked chicken.
Chicken nugget looks like a whole baked chicken
byu/yowza4ter inmildlyinteresting
13. This cloud that looks like a cat and a dog.
14. This foundation that looks like a cat.
The makeup squirt on my sponge resembled a cat this morning.
byu/naomi9190 inmildlyinteresting
15. This plant that looks like a human face enjoying the view.
This plant that looks like a human face
byu/itsokqc inmildlyinteresting
16. Or, this plant that has some serious cake.
17. This mixer that looks confused.
My god…
by inPareidolia
18. This carrot that looks like an amputated finger.
Went into the fridge for some fruit and there was a sausage from breakfast that fell in, thought someone had lost a finger
byu/Lewish01 inPareidolia
19. This lamp that looks shocked.
This microphone looks like he really messed up
byu/jackrussell100 inmildlyinteresting
20. This super creepy light decoration.
Treacherous bedroom lamp shadow
byu/RonnynnoR inmildlyinteresting