I big reason why I love kids is the absolutely brutal honesty they hit people with on a daily basis. That is, until it’s directed at you. You don’t know who you really are until you’ve been savagely roasted by a 5-year-old. That is a truly humbling moment. One that these folks know all too well.
1. This kid knew an insult when he heard one.
Me to my son: You remind me of me.
Son: That's just mean.— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 16, 2016
2. This little girl called it like she saw it.
My 6yo daughter just caught me getting out of the shower.
"It looks like a minion!"
— Wyn (@WynRichards) August 27, 2016
3. This 6-year-old knows how wrinkles work.
6yo: Mommy, when you get older will you look all gross?
Me: What do you mean, 'gross'?
6yo: Like how you are now, but wrinklier.
— Kristen Mae (@AbandonPretense) August 27, 2016
4. Gavin’s classmate is brutally honest.
5. This kiddo doesn’t care for mom’s cooking.
Me: We all make mistakes.
5: Even you?
Me: Yep
5: Oh yeah! Like when you're trying to cook food that tastes good but then it doesn't?— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) April 15, 2016
6. This very aware 10-year-old keeps it real.
10: Mom what's a metaphor?
Me: My life is a train wreck.
10: I know Mom, but what is a metaphor?
— 🌴Sardonic Tart🌴 (@SardonicTart) December 12, 2014
7. This kid isn’t about that comfy clothes life.
8. Mom’s gonna need some ice for that burn.
Words still resounding in my head since breakfast, 'Look! It's a picture of Mama before she got saggy..' #honestyofchildren 😕
— Louise Allain (@louiseallain) May 27, 2016
9. This kid has their priorities in order.
4-year-old: Can we get a kitten?
Me: I'm allergic. We can't be in the same house.
4: You could sleep outside.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) August 25, 2016
10. A brutally honest question.
11. This kid is already giving backhanded compliments.
12. Just zero, mom.
13. Mom needs a drink after this one.
Daughter: "You need to fix my hair before we go." Son: "You don't have to look nice. Look at mom. See?" #kidhonesty #parentingprobs
— Kris Redenius (@redenius_kris) July 20, 2015
14. This kid calling his mom a fossil.
15. This observant child.
Berlyn: "daddy, ur hair is growing in the wrong direction! Its going back in ur head instead of out!".ouch! #kidsaretoohonest
— CoCoChristies (@coco_christies) April 1, 2013
16. This child serving as the cruel little voice in our heads.
Me "ugh I ate a lot today…"
Payton "it's not just today mom." #KidsAreTooHonest— L. Svanda (@lvalencsin) August 22, 2017
17. This kid should probably go into psychiatry.
Me to my 5-yr-old, balancing precariously on a stool: "Be careful – that's not very stable!"
Her: "YOU'RE not very stable!"#kidburn
— Gabby (@GabnDad) March 11, 2017
h/t BuzzFeed