18 Brutally Honest Kids Who Roasted Their Parents Like Savages

I big reason why I love kids is the absolutely brutal honesty they hit people with on a daily basis. That is, until it’s directed at you. You don’t know who you really are until you’ve been savagely roasted by a 5-year-old. That is a truly humbling moment. One that these folks know all too well.

1. This kid knew an insult when he heard one.

2. This little girl called it like she saw it.

3. This 6-year-old knows how wrinkles work.

4. Gavin’s classmate is brutally honest.


5. This kiddo doesn’t care for mom’s cooking.

6. This very aware 10-year-old keeps it real.

7. This kid isn’t about that comfy clothes life.


8. Mom’s gonna need some ice for that burn.

9. This kid has their priorities in order.

10. A brutally honest question.


11. This kid is already giving backhanded compliments.


12. Just zero, mom.


13. Mom needs a drink after this one.

14. This kid calling his mom a fossil.


15. This observant child.

16. This child serving as the cruel little voice in our heads.

17. This kid should probably go into psychiatry.


h/t BuzzFeed


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome