Viral Map Shows Each State’s Least Favorite Other State

Writer/artist Matt Shirley has appeared on Pleated-Jeans before, and for good reason: his viral charts Instagram account is hilarious, relatable, and consistent.

For example, this classic:


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And this one:

And who doesn’t love a good Venn?

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In this Venn I compare human functions.

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Matt polled his followers last week asking what state people from their state hated the most.

Now, if you’re seeing your state on there and thinking “Hey, what the hell? We hate _____ state a lot more!” Relax. This is a poll from thousands of people on the Internet, so you are wrong.

Anyway, as a native Alabamian, I can say the Florida hatred certainly checks out. How accurate is it for your state?

I can’t recommend Matt’s page enough. Follow him on Instagram and participate in his future polls. I look forward to seeing more of this weird country for what it really is.

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