A few years ago I went on a date with a woman who talked about herself the entire time so I was itching to pay our tab and run away but then she said I should come back to her place and watch a movie so I did what any guy would do so then we are at her place having sex but her little dog busts into the room and starts nipping at my feet but she keeps assuring me he’ll go away and to not stop what I was doing but the dog didn’t stop so I pinned it to the wall with my leg and finished up. That was my weirdest date and also my first threesome.
what’s the weirdest date you’ve been on??? I’ll go first
we were going to see a movie and didn’t buy tickets in advance and couldn’t get two tickets next to each other so we ended up sitting on opposite sides of the theater and then the movie ended and we were like cool ok bye
— BARTY (@postgrad_barty) January 19, 2020