One of the best ways to feel better about yourself is to look at other people who are having a worse time than you. Is that the right thing to do? Probably not, but bad stuff is going to happen to other people anyway, might as well have something good come from it.
1. She traded me for the window seat before we got on the plane.
2. My friend is allergic to everything.
3. When you feel that you are tired … Remember that we emptied 6,000 bricks in the wrong address.
5. Forgetting to roll up the window all the way.
6. God damnit.
I’ll just throw the bag of coffee down bro, save you the trouble of coming up here. from r/Wellthatsucks
8. Grand Rapids, MI reporter gets her new license plate.
9. Happened to a friend, she was almost finished.
10. That smile, that damn smile.
11. When you come home and your house doesn’t smell like pot roast.
14. A disgruntled painter and decorator who claims he is owed £500 for his work has taken revenge – by leaving a message on the side of an old pub he had worked on.
16. Wife and I visited the Eiffel Tower for our honeymoon.
17. Charger broke while my phone is at 2% right before going on a 7-hour bus trip.
18. Somebody stuck a dead rat on a glue trap to my windshield while I briefly parked (legally) in a residential area. Some of the rat fur and glue still won’t come off.
20. When you get this… instead of your luggage.