Self-Care Sunday (15 Pics)

This post is for you. I want you to read it, then get out there and apply it. Even if it’s just little bits at a time. Take care of yourself. You’re worthy of greatness.


[VIDEO] This advice from 1965






[Image] Try again tomorrow [OC] from r/GetMotivated









15. Closing out today’s post with David Goggins. He’s a little intense, but his story is amazing. Very motivational.


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When all else fails you in life- your training, nutrition, hydration, preparation, studying, etc., there are only two choices left. You can either quit or become the grittiest motherfucker in the world. We all have a level that we have never tapped in to…to tap into that level, you must be willing to go the distance. The mind has an amazing way of playing tricks on you- when you are feeling good, nothing can stop you. The second pain creeps in, your might get the “-itis”! The “-itis” I am talking about is bitchitis! This is the “-itis” that makes you vulnerable to your mind. Once you become vulnerable, you no longer have control of your mind, all of your personal demons do. It is very important in life to learn to dig your claws into the fucking dirt to climb your way out of the grave that your mind led you into directly. Learn to talk to yourself in a way that very few people will ever understand. In your darkest moments, you must become the devil to get out of hell!!!

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome