At Least We Can Agree To Hate Grandpa Joe, Right? (15 Pics)

In a time of such divisive politics, we can come together to agree on at least one thing; Grandpa Joe memes really hit the spot. In a line up of the top movie villains of all time like Darth Vader, Hans Gruber, and Professor Umbridge, it’s easy to see that Grandpa Joe is worse than all of them combined. His family lived in a total sh*thole house with ONE room on a single income of his Charlie’s dad. So now that Charlie has a golden ticket to the factory… Grandpa Joe can walk and DANCE?!

The Crap Hole the Buckets live in Via: Penguin Books

I would really like to see some good fanfic where Grandpa Joe stands up to sing and Mr. Bucket gives him the chair WWE style. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself here. I hate Grandpa Joe and if you look deep in your heart, you’ll find that you do too.

3 respected elders and a jerk in bed. Via:

