28 Things That Will Give Millennials Immediate Childhood Flashbacks

Millennials are the last generation to remember a world without the internet. We’ve come a long way. I mean, it used to come in the mail on a CD and now we’re looking at memes.

I know times are weird right now but there’s nothing wrong with taking a break to remember some things from your childhood for the sake of nostalgia. These pics will make it easy if you’re a millennial.

1. Running out of the car to drop a movie through this:

2. This slide.

3. Where did teachers keep these things?

4. The struggle was real.

5. No one ever bought one.

6. Best day ever when the teacher brought out the TV cart.

7. McDonald’s Nintendo was the best Nintendo.

8. Yep.

9. These hand puppets.

10. This was the best.

11. Strongest mints ever made.

12. Best snack ever.

13. I never got one but…yeah.

14. Hours worth.

15. This.

16. This feeling.

17. “Fixing” scratches on CDs.

18. This list.

19. The best suckers ever.

20. Running your hand through these.

21. This means forever.

22. *CRACK*

23. I still have pending downloads.

24. Perfect for long car rides.

25. The TV cart of gym class.

26. These plates.

27. Wondering what these people were up to.

28. The “ball room” at school gyms.

More Nostalgia For Millennials:



Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.