Well It Looks Like *Almost* Everyone Got The Joke (25 Pics)

Jokes are all over the Internet. Good ones. Bad ones. And ones that go over a person’s head no matter how obvious the joke is to others. There have been several moments this month where people completely missing the point sounded funnier than the original jokesters.

Here are a bunch of people who missed the joke:

1. Stop posting before checking the source.

2. Maybe all his fans are ghosts.

3. When you can finally hack the mainframe.

4. Maybe it’s good that Halloween is cancelled.

5. When you see it.

6. The commenter should have to prove it’s not a robot.

7. RIP to a fake one.

8. Super messed up (that people think this is real)!

9. Next you’re going to tell me everyone on pornhub isn’t married!

10. Sounds legit.

11. I’m not that outdoorsy, so who knows?

12. To be fair, this is my current remedy for most illnesses.

13. I don’t like picturing this.

14. Walk them more often, SMH.

15. Won’t someone think of the middle-aged men?!?

16. I bet this conversation went on for hours.

17. I’ve been 30 for 5 years now. Need those 0s.

18. Not seeing a pun is like leavings someone hanging for a high five.

19. I hope he said the same to the cop.

20. Tom Hanks should never be corrected for anything he says. How dare you?

21. Keep it clean.

22. I see what you did there.

23. I think the date is off.

24. Men, am I right?

25. Maybe it’s the quarantine talking… she does look good.

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