Cool Things Cut In Half (23 Pics) by Mike November 2, 2020 Ever looked at something and wondered what it looks like cut in half? Well, stop! 1. Piece of white oak that has fossilized. u/GenderBenderBitch 2. Rhodochrosite Stalactites u/Whey-Men 3. Deepest swimming pool in world at 131-feet deep. u/Michael_Scofield91 4. Three light bulb generations. u/Spiritual_Rip1133 5. The engine timing system of a Audi B7 S4. u/Boris740 6. Shark graffiti found in San Jose, CA u/ICantSpellGood 7. Maine man cuts garage in half over land dispute. u/NonnoBobKelso 8. Bullet wound vs shrapnel wound. u/TheSenrigan 9. Cross section of a F1 cockpit. u/MotherOfPig 10. Cross Section of a Pine Needle u/Whey-Men 11. Amazon Echo u/Fixedsit 12. Jet Engine u/LeeVK 13. Roman toilet. u/Whey-Men 14. Commercial underground ‘Ice House’ used to store 300 tonnes of frozen water to supply hospitals and pubs in Georgian London u/Whey-Men 15. Cross-section of a medieval ship that plied the Mediterranean. u/Whey-Men 16. Traditional semisubterranean dwelling of the North American Arctic and subarctic peoples. u/Whey-Men 17. This cross-section of a metal 3D printed rocket engine. u/chrischi3 18. Bus modified for a zombie apocalypse. u/Whey-Men 19. Snow shelter. u/Whey-Men 20. Bomb shelter, accessible via a “detox pool”. Built in 1953 as part of what Popular Mechanics described as the, “House For the Atomic Age.” u/Whey-Men 21. Container Ship Cutaway u/Michael_Scofield91 22. Iron Giant cutaway (Shane Molina) u/girusatuku 23. Almost perfect. u/muan2012 You may or may not also enjoy these high-quality links: Period Memes Are Funny. Period. (17 Pics) Harbingers Of A Boring Dystopia (21 Pics) Sadly, Not Everyone “Gets” Political Satire (16 Fails) We’re Big Fans Of @TheCatWhisprer And We Think You Will Be Too (15 Tweets) Thrift Store Employees Share The Weirdest Donations They’ve Seen (24 Pics) Mike Primavera Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome facebook instagram twitter