We’re Not Really Strangers — A Card Game To Bring Us Closer Together

We’re Not Really Strangers is all about better communication. I struggle to think of something the world is more lacking. 25-year-old model and photographer Koreen Odiney thinks so too.

There’s a good chance you’ve seen Koreen’s game around social media, with its red and white cards donning leading questions. Questions like, “What was your first impression of me? or “How do you describe the feeling of being loved?” Real questions that get down deep.

Koreen has been quoted as saying, “I was asking myself what my call to action was, what my intentions were, and how I want to empower people when there was this serendipitous moment. I was walking to my car from a modeling job, and there was a man sitting reading poetry who I approached to photograph and interview. At the end of our talk, he told me that I would write a book called we’re not really strangers one day. This all originated from a stranger and photograph which is insane but goes back to what it’s all about.”

I can’t recommend this game enough in place of weak icebreaker games. If you want to get to know the REAL person and have a connection, you can find the game here. Also, check out her content on Twitter and Instagram. If you’ve been a fan of our Self-Care Sunday posts, you’ll love what she has to offer.


“Do you ever break your own heart expecting people to love like you do?”


“Critical. I don’t always give myself the same empathy I give others. But working on it.”


If I notice my worst self coming out continuously it’s time to step away not work it out.”


“I added reminder cards throughout the game to serve as moments to remember how to really listen.”


Asking for help is a strength. It says “I’m not afraid to admit where I’m struggling” and is an invitation for the people around you (who also need help) to do the same.”


“Saying “no” on a day I had so many obligations and had to fit in me time instead of stretching myself thin.”


“You can’t heal what you don’t let yourself feel.”


“One of my favorite wildcards in the game. What would you ask if you weren’t too afraid of the answer? Sometimes we don’t ask the important questions because the “illusion” a relationship seems safer and more appealing than the reality.”


“Who comes to mind?”


“I’ve been finding the importance of writing out things I know longer want to carry. Whether it’s an insecurity or limiting belief. Then replacing it with an affirmation. It’s a way for me to be clear on where I’m at, and to set a goal for the mindset I want to have moving forward. What insecurity do you feel is holding you back the most right now? What affirmation can you write out today that reflects how you want to feel?”


“What did it teach you?”


“A part of learning requires letting go of old ways of thinking.”


“One of the original questions written for the WNRS card game. The game took years to develop and in the process I wrote and deleted a lot questions that didn’t make it in. This one lasted and is still a favorite till this day.”


“We project our insecurities without even knowing it- hurting others that have nothing to do with the source of our fears and pain.”


I’d say it’s like putting on a warm hoodie right out of the dryer.

If you like this game you can get it here.

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome