Fails Hey, It’s Not My Job (100 Job Fails) by Nate December 8, 2020 61. “This floor molding.” u/[deleted 62. “My sister was just served this at a local Mexican restaurant.” u/Kahne_Fan 63. “Not the painter’s job to remove gum” u/biologit2041 64. “Yes boss, I installed the new bathroom doors.” u/mssmjc 65. “Should we tow the car boss? Not our job, leave it…” u/muswashan 66. I now understand the phrase “close enough for government work” u/FaxCelestis 67. Ready to print, boss! Jrea0 68. Not the proofreader’s job. TheBombayMixer 69. Must be the same proofreader from 68… u/mikerockitjones 70. Installed the sign, boss! u/TeamofGaryBreen 71. “OK what the fuck” u/colleencheung 72. You get the field done Jerry? “Yep all done boss” u/BUBBLES99999999 73. “Words in here ghghg hg hgh ghg hgh ghg…” Dudeface34 74. “Worried? Give them a call” u/officiallouisgilbert 75. “Now we have a way to better communicate with our Spanish-speaking customers!” u/zoltecrules 76. Extra cheese? You got it! Alpharad 77. “Left The Note, Boss” u/stickywill808 78. “Fixed that support column, boss!” u/Canadia-Eh 79. “ok. so how do I use this stuff?” u/In__c 80. “My mom only replaced half the picture wheel. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are me. The rest are stock pictures.” u/Hidden_Samsquanche Page 4 of 6Previous 123456Next Nate Armbruster When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time. facebook instagram