There’s An Internet Group For Trucks That Try To Go Under Short Bridges And Fail (25 Pics & Vids)

Among the many jobs I’ve had in my life, I’ve driven both trucks and school buses. A big emphasis in both of those training is being aware of your route and any bridges or railroad crossings. Pay attention to clearance signs. Look for that 11 foot 8 bridge sign. DON’T do what these dumbasses did.

1. Holland Tunnel opened him up like a can.

2. This one was just right.

3. Squishing some bugs.

4. So confident.

5. Square peg in a round hole.

6. Learn your lesson, bridge.

7. Breaking: News Van

8. Cream cheese. Spreaded.

9. Found on Google street view.

10. Compact cars.

11. Nom nom nom.

12. Knocked the camera off of the Google street view car.

13. A very important sign.

14. Dumbass.

15. Get them started early.

16. Zzzzzzeeerrrrrrrrp.

17. Hope you got the insurance.

18. Nailed it.

19. Not. Even. Close.

20. I also take the top off of Oreos before eating them.

21. Off, right in the tax dollars.

22. I’m actually impressed.

23. Do ya though?

24. The widowmaker.

25. Entering the Matrix.

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome