Tumblr Gets Deep (21 Pics)

Happy Holidays. Or, if you don’t celebrate anything, scream once into the void for me.

I’m pretty sure this is the oldest recurring post on PJ. As I’ve said before, it’s my favorite, and I’m glad you all like it too. Here’s to more Tumblr gold and an all-around better year in 2021.

1. Please wear condoms too.

2. Goals.

3. Pay them. Appreciate them. Tell them.

4. They ain’t wrong. Disney’s Robin Hood was dope.

5. I love fish sticks.

6. Sugar is sugar.

7. Real love.

8. Momrade.

9. Lord Stanley’s Sword has a nice ring to it.

10. Taking love to new heights.

11. Hey, if it works…

12. Slippin’ and a sliddin’

13. Maybe don’t look at your phone during the movie.

14. Outstanding pun.

15. I don’t even remember what those cookies taste like.

16. Always be yourself and the people around you will like you for who you are, or leave, which is fine.

17. March 2021 better be gold.

18. The logical progression.

19. Please stop with this ridiculous argument.

20. Pants are for sissies.

21. Some say it still happens today.

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome