Context-Free News Clips From The 80s And 90s (30 Pics)

Before the 24-hour news cycle, the news was on twice a day, maybe more if there was breaking news. If nothing crazy happened, you’d get some funny news stories about the town’s biggest cat or some lady who grew a tomato that looks like Richard Nixon. I miss the simpler times.

I’d forgotten all about old school news until I stumbled upon @80snewsscreens and @90snewsscreens. Looking at these old news shots with little to no context makes it seem like 100 years ago. We’ve come so far, and not necessarily for the best.

1. They knew.

2. If it means more gifts I’m all for it.

3. IDK trading Bitcoin?

4. This is what we did with our hands before smartphones.

5. Hogs are up, baby!

6. I asked for the news, not the weather.

7. “Turns out they can’t. Back to you, Amy.”

8. I missed this one.

9. NNN. Nihilist News Network.

10. Must be summer.

11. Spoiler Alert

12. Humble beginnings.

13. Space Jam let a genie out of the bottle.

14. Here to perform their hit single “Hi, Hungry. We’re The Dads.”

15. We ran out of those in the 90s.

16. Solved.

17. “It’s a Christmas movie.”

18. “Creep.”

19. Well what was Vincent wearing?

20. RIP

21. Hogs are up again!

22. It ain’t much but it’s honest work.

23. Forget breaking news. The news used to break.

24. Of The Coven

25. Acid rain. Ne really. Raining LSD.

26. Be on the lookout for a really cool teen.

27. Which one is this? The answer may surprise you.

28. Oh good.

29. “They pay me in burgers. I haven’t seen my family in months.”

30. Trolls used to have to get on the news to make you feel bad.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome