I love to poop. When doing so, I prefer to do it in the least stressful environment possible. Ideally my own home. This is why cursed toilets, or “road toilets” as I call them, can make or break any trip for me. You really have no idea what other folks consider a restroom.
Yes, non “western” style toilets have a learning curve, and I don’t deny that pooping in a crouched position is highly efficient and will clear most log jams. If it is clean we can figure it out. It’s the so-called “normal” toilets I’ve come across in America that scare me the most. One of these toilets has teeth. TEETH.
Some advice:
- When traveling always carry wet wipes or a small pack of napkins. Some places don’t use TP and you don’t want to waste a shirt.
- When using a crouch toilet, if you do not have the proper core or quad strength, you are going to mess yourself, or at least fall down. I recommend taking off your pants and using the wall as support.
- I cannot stress this next one enough. If you are at a place and go to use the bathroom, and that bathroom has a toilet with teeth, run. Never look back.