Oh Yeah, That’s Classy (20 Pics)

We all see plenty of trashy pics floating around the internet and have a good laugh, but aren’t you curious as to what that person’s day is like? That is a real person out in the world. It’s not a costume or an act. They carry a terrifying aura of chaotic energy.

One time I was at Taco Bell and a lady dress like she taught at Hogwart came in, mad dogged the cashier, then proceeded to dump every single hot sauce packet into her purse. She then walked out and no one said a damn thing to her. That might be trashy, but that’s also how you Live Mas.

1. Don’t call it a comeback.

2. A power move.

3. Give it a month.

4. I don’t have time to read cars.

5. Seriously though.

6. Yep, that’s Sharpie.

7. ‘Merica

8. C’mon.

9. It goes all the way down.

10. Who called this one?

11. Doubtful.

12. You sure?

13. Had a gender reveal party then left their trash and threw the confetti canisters in the lake.

14. Bye, Tina.

15. Dad?

16. Graffiti on an ancient castle.

17. We get it.

18. Hmm

19. And I’ll take you down again.

20. The worst.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome