The Shower Isn’t Just For Washing And Crying (23 Shower Thoughts)

The shower is the perfect place for crying, performing a revengeful concert, doing a big think, and I guess some people use it for cleaning themselves too. Shower thoughts are those “galaxy brain” moments you have when you let your mind go blank and you go on autopilot. Taking time to relax your brain like this lets you think up some really deranged stuff. We love it.

Here are some extra weird shower thoughts for you.

1. Kids have no shame.

2. Nice outfit.

3. Except for you night owl freaks.

4. No pink socks, nice.

5. Trying this on a stranger.

6. Things aren’t working great.

7. Cursed birthday present.

8.  They do a great job.

9. Who do they call?

10. UFOs.

11. I’m addicted to them.

12. Thanks, dad.

13. Shoot a gun at it.

14. It’s too damn high!

15. I’m okay with this.

16. This is another level.

17. It’s for aesthetic.

18. It will never be me.

19. How weird.

20. Gender-bending plumbers.

21. No thanks.

22. It never was.

23. Bunch of nerds.