If You’re Going To Quit Your Job, You Might As Well Go Out In Style

Anyone who has had a really crappy job knows the delightful feeling of finally quitting somewhere that made you so unhappy. When you’re working a really crappy job, it’s normal to daydream about the day you get to rip off your name tag for the last time and never look back.

These people all were tired of their bosses shit and decided to finally quit their job. Maybe some are a little immature or petty, but you don’t owe your employer anything if they don’t treat you with respect. Anyone who leaves behind photos of themselves at their old job is a hero in my book (#5).

1. “So, My Brother-In-Law Has Resigned From His 9-To-5 Job In Spectacular Fashion. Jerry Maguire Meets Masterchef”

Via: Reddit

2. “People At A Store At My Mall Got Fed Up With The Way Their Manager Treated Them”

Via: Reddit

3. “My Buddy Quit His Job At The Gas Station”

Via: Reddit

4. “Saw This At Bed Bath And Beyond”

Via: Reddit

5. “A Co-Worker Posted Pictures Of Himself In Random Places When He Quit. This Is The Back Of A Clock, And He Quit 2 Years Ago”

Via: Reddit

6. “This Is How You Quit”

Via: Reddit


8. “My Ex-Manager Wouldn’t Give Me My Last Paycheck Without A Resignation Letter”

Via: Imgur

9. “My Husband’s Letter Of Resignation”

Via: Imgur

10. “I Just Quit My Job The Best Way I Know How”

Via: Imgur

11. “How My Buddy Todd Gave His Notice At His Job. This Is Classic Todd”

Via: Imgur

12. “This Guy Called His Boss, Quit His Job, Set This Auto Responder And Then Left The Building”

Via: Imgur

13. “This Is How I Rage Quit At My Last Job. Love Hate Messages At Work”

Via: Imgur

14. This Taco Bell Worker Had Enough

15. “I’ve Been Working At Five Guys For Almost Four Years And I Wanted To Put In My 2 Week Notice The Best Possible Way”

Via: Imgur

16. Few words did trick.

Via: Imgur

17. Who Doesn’t Love A Meme? This Boss, Probably.

18. He Will Be Missed.

Via: Imgur

19. Using A Meme Seems Like The Right Way To Go.

Via: Imgur

20.  Good Luck Out There!

Via: Imgur

21. The Thank You Note Is A Good Touch.

Via: Imgur

22. You Don’t Need Two Weeks For A Minimum Wage Job.

Via: Imgur