Unpopular opinions are thoughts and ideas that go against the status quo. Sometimes it may be hard to share those unpopular opinions because of potential judgment from others but we’re all entitled to our opinion right?
Who knows, they might even have a point. Unpopular opinions can be as simple as liking pineapple on pizza or putting ketchup on a hotdog but there’s usually someone out there who feels the same way.
There’s a place online for people to share their unpopular opinions with the world and some of them are, well, interesting to say the least.
1. “Salt and Vinegar chips are better than both sour cream & onion and barbecue chips.”
9. “The way Americans talk about “The Founding Fathers” as if they’re some sacred Gods who had it all figured out 200 years ago is very weird and cringey.”
38. “Caller ID should be mandatory. No person or organization should be able to hide behind “unknown caller”. If you have access to my phone number and have chosen to contact me, I should have a right to know who you are.”
42. “It doesn’t matter how much you like his music, Tekashi 69 slept with a 13-year-old, and by listening to his music you are lining the pockets of a rapist.”
45. “When I’m old and unable to care for myself, I want to be taken care of by professionals, not burden my children who will have their own families to care for.”
48. “It should be illegal for a company to list an entry-level job as requiring 3-5 years experience, the very definition of an entry-level job is no experience needed.”
When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.