16. “More than 85% of The Dark Knight’s 180 Million dollar budget was spent on one scene. Director Christopher Nolan later said getting the shot right the first time was the most stressful moment of his career.”
17. “In Dark Phoenix (2019) Charles Xavier made his students wear an “X” on their chests so that the enemy would aim at them instead of him.”
18. “In Big Hero Six, Aunt Cass’s blouse covers her cleavage. This is because the animators didn’t belong in horny jail.”
19. “Visionary director Quentin Tarantino added this scene to From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) totally because it led to valuable character development and added cinematic value to the film, and not just because he wanted Salma Hayek’s foot in his mouth.”
20. “In The Hunger Games (2012), Peeta disguises himself as a rock and no one notices him. He was taught this trick by his cousin, a famous wrestler called Dwayne.”
21. “Actor Noah Ringer hated filming “The Last Airbender” so much that he tattooed a huge downvote on his head to symbolize how much this movie sucked.”
22. “Contrary to popular belief, Bruce Willis was, in fact, NOT dead at the end of ‘The Sixth Sense’, but was only pretending to be, as he is a well-known Hollywood actor, and continues to not be dead even to this day.”
23. “At the end of Titanic (1997), Rose’s last memory before she passes away is kissing Jack, which means she probably died in the middle of a wet dream.”
24. “In Avengers: Endgame, Howard the Duck makes an appearance for a mere 18 frames. But upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that Howard is far too old to be an Easter egg.”
25. “In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Harry uses a red lightsaber, revealing himself as a Sith Lord.”
When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.