A Lot Of Things Didn’t Happen This Week, But These Didn’t Happen The Most (15 Pics)

Spinning the wheel to decide if I love or hate these people this week. On one hand, you shouldn’t make shit up on the internet because it can have dangerous consequences. On the other hand, its really really entertaining for me.

People definitely love to make up stories where they were oppressed or pretend that someone in BLM or Antifa tried to get them to “join,” which is not how either of those things work. They’re definitely outing themselves as liars.

My personal favorites are when you can tell its just what they *wished* they had said to someone who made them mad. These people just couldn’t resist going out of their way to make some terrible creative writing for us. Thanks folks, stay weird!

1. Put this man in the Olympics!

2. Why are they like this?

3. It’s not easy to gender a cat so this guy must have been looking at a cat butthole for a while.

4. I don’t know what this guy is talking about and I’m certain he doesn’t know either.

5. Why do they always need to make a teacher cry?

6. I definitely believe the last line.

7. Do you think it was the belt buckle or the hip thrusting that they found off?

8. Plot twist: Richard is a dog.

9. Why do I feel like he just had a crush on a teacher and made her uncomfortable every day?

10. Ah yes, the quadratic formula, famously useless.

11. Exactly how servers talk! Nailed it!

12. That man? Travis Scott.

13. Panties drop when I fight with cashiers!

14. Fantasyland inside a Fantasyland. Fantasyland inception.

15. Please just watch the kids, man.