Someone once told me about the 10,000-hour rule, which theorizes that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a master at something. If you’re passionate about something then it won’t feel like that long.
It could be anything from getting healthy and changing your lifestyle, to painting or something creative. Whatever it is, a little work at it every day will make a noticeable difference in the long run. If you take progress pics along the way, you’ll feel like a master of your craft.
People are sharing their progress pics over on Reddit and the results will inspire you to get to work on something you’re passionate about. It’s about progress, not perfection.
1. “F/28/5’7” [233lbs to 130lbs] Got tired of being obese and took control of my life!”
2. “The first one was done a year ago, so I decided to ‘fix’ it to show how much I’ve learned in one year.”
3. “Been mewing for 5-6 months, here’s my jawline progress.”
4. “My drawings at the age of 12 vs 16”
5. “M/22/5’11” [99lbs > 150lbs = 51lbs] Anorexia my recovery”
6. “Progress of my drawing over 5 years”
7. “2010 vs. 2020”
8. “I did all of this in one year!”
9. “After fixing failure after failure, this is one year of progress doing a hobby that means the world to me.”
10. “My horse art from age 12 to age 30”
11.”15 months difference. I had been feeling bad about my stagnant progress lately, but this before and after showed me how far I’ve come.”
12. “2 years apart!! Age 17 to age 19. Slowly but surely learning not to be scared of coloring.”
13. “34 months. My ears looked tiny on my before photo and I had no jawline whatsoever. Is it fair to say, Face Gains?? Always wanted to say that.”
When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.