We all have our own way of doing things but sometimes it’s just wrong. For example, if you live with your significant other you learn quickly the mildly infuriating things they do.
Maybe they leave the cupboards open or put the ice cube tray back with only one ice cube so they don’t have to refill it. You’d think it would be hard to mess up a simple task but someone will.
You had one job and you’re doing it wrong.
1. “Does this seem properly stacked to you?”
2. “Neighborhood pool put up COVID-safe barriers between the urinals. But made sure to use plexiglass, so you can still see the guy next to you peeing…”
3. “The door on this house”
4. “This TV at the resort I’m staying in”
5. “My wife doesn’t get all the ice out of one tray before using another”
6. “How my sister cuts lemons…”
7. “I had to get into my car from the passenger seat bc this person doesn’t know what the white lines are for”
8. “Do I just throw out the whole roommate?”
9. “When your flatmate likes to eat seeds and cleans the floor without vacuuming first.”
10. “How my boyfriend opens cereal”
11.”Where my mother-in-law left my toddler’s uneaten banana”
12. “I’m in a family of monsters”
13. “Who dared to build this?????”
14. “Middle-class fridge. Lower class aesthetic.”
15. “Why aren’t the floor tiles aligned”
16. “The way they packaged this peanut butter”
17. “Genuinely worried for my safety. Found out my kids are going to be serial killers.”
18. How this person parked
19. “Comcast charged me $15 to mail me equipment after I moved. This is that equipment.”
20. “Okay I want to die now”
21. “The manicurist tried to tell me these are the same color”
22. “These potatoes, individually wrapped in plastic. You know, so they don’t get dirty.”
23. “Renovations done to 500-year-old Caldwell Tower in Scotland”
24. “My friend puts nuts in Fanta”
25. “Why aren’t the pictures spaced properly”