These Aren’t Great Meals, Or Even Good Meals, But These People Are Proud All The Same (25 Pics)

We all have our comfort meals. For some of those, those meals are very specific.

Are these meals great? No. But are they pretty good? Also no. These meals were made with pride by people who love them and are also maybe a little unhinged.

How many of these look good to you? How many would someone have to pay you $1000 to eat? I have to admit, I’m more than a little intrigued by the Pepsi crab.

Here are my favorite ridiculous food pics:


1. Cold Dominoes & Cheap White Wine

2. Devil’s Pie

3. Deli Meat Stuffed Bugles

4. How To Get Uninvited To A Potluck

5. The Rock Climbers Forearm

6. The Poor Man’s Bloody Mary

7. Return Of The Mac(aroni)

8. Raw Onions On Raw Hamburger Meat (not recommended)

9. The National Breakfast Of Finland

10. Fancy Hotdog Rolls

11. The Simple College Student Special (cheese on boiled noodles)

12. The Hotdog Pickle Melt

13. Waffles Fries, Made With A Chopstick And A Dream

14. Illegal In 7 Countries

15. Lime Stuffed Chicken (Served Cold, Obviously)

16. Ok, This One Just Made Me Laugh

17. Bacon Egg & Cheese

18. The Peanut Butter Triwich

19. Dino Nugget Masala

20. Steve Harvey Cake

21. Dino Nugget Orange Chicken


23. Crab Boiled In Pepsi Max

24. Ranch Gummy Bears

25. Skinni Boi Tacos



Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome