People online think they know everything. If you’re gonna call someone out, make sure you know who you’re talking to because there’s nothing more embarrassing than putting your foot in your mouth. Especially when you don’t know who’s on the receiving end of your message.
For whatever reason, Tony Hawk seems to be the most unrecognizable celebrity, but he has a sense of humor about it. I keep a photo of him in my wallet so if I ever meet him I’ll know exactly who I’m talking to.
1. “No one knows Metallica better than I do.”
2. “Haha wow, you’re like an older version of her”
3. “You don’t know Doctor Who”
4. “Accusing the artist based on images from the artist’s own website…”
5. “Tony Hawk ad didn’t know who Tony Hawk was.”
6. “You don’t even know the name of the original Tank Girl artist?”
7. “director is asked what her job is”
8. “Challenging a doctor”
9. “Finally found one!”
10. “Columbia? That’s an ok school, I guess”
11. “Wholesome Post About Fantasy Football”
12. “Have you see Knives Out?”
13. “Twitter user tries to tell comic writer that Captain Marvel’s strength level was amped up for the MCU vs how she’s been in the comics”
14. “Tony Hawk tries to rent a car”
17. “Nice try Lucas”
18. “In the comments of a piano version of a song”
19. “Some silly person thinks a video is about her just because it’s titled & addressed to her”
20. “Here you go professor. I worked really hard on this. I really think I found my voice!”
21. “Denial”
22. “You should try out for American ninja warrior!”
23. “are you Neil Patrick Harris like huh”
24. “oh the embarrassment”
25. “Accusing a former US Secretary of Labor of being a keyboard warrior”
26. “A wholesome variation found on reddit”
27. “I am not an esports journalist”
28. “Spotted on TicTok”
29. “Fan tells Mike Trout that his timeline is wrong”
30. “Whoops, not Mark Hamill”
h/t: Ranker