People Are Sharing Wholesome Posts About Living A More Simple, Fulfilled Life (29 Pics)

As soon as I finish writing this post, I’m taking a long walk. Hopefully, after you’re done reading it, you’ll want to do the same.

Ironically, the wish to go outside and commune with nature came to me today from the people of Reddit. Contrary to popular belief, people who post a lot on the internet don’t necessarily live in their mom’s basement.

In fact, many of them live in a van (by choice) so they can see the world without the burdens that middle-class mores foist upon them. Frankly, it’s all a scam.

We’re born into this world naked, seeking food and human connection. Then, by the time we’re 18 or 20, we’ve become obsessed with “making it” in society.

Luckily, this forum on Reddit collects the wholesome posts who found peace in living simply. God willing, it inspires you to live simply too.

Here are the wholesome posts I found about living simply that show how you can preserve your mental wellbeing:

1. A first time for everything.

2. Being an adult is good.

3. Something to keep in mind while working.

4. A poem.

5. This guy’s dad spent quarantine building an outdoor shelter.

6. Change your goals.

7. This person started doing school work outside with their bunny.

8. Save libraries at all costs.

9. What if I found my ambition but I’m tired?

10. Love to walk.

11. Bring the tea kettle and enjoy nature while more awake.

12. Riding a train, sipping tea, reading a book.

13. A Duncan Trussell quote.

14. Screw them.

15. Good advice.

16. I have both.

17. True.

18. Let’s remember the truth.

19. An escape from the city to camp.

20. A good reading nook is all I need.

21. It’s good, actually.

22. Follow your bliss.

23. Left the city to live here.

24. That’s the stuff.

25. I wish to feel this way some day.

26. Shop in Kyoto.

27. A cabin in rural Nova Scotia.

28. 2020 taught us a lot.

29. Living the dream (not working).

h/t Reddit: r/SimpleLiving