Unfortunately, there are a lot of jerks out there. When they have to design stuff, it makes everyone else’s life harder. People are sharing examples of this online and it grinds my gears.
Somehow these folks are clever for coming up with this stuff, but they’re being a real jerk about it. If these frustrate you as much as it does me, consider these examples of brilliant design as a palate cleanser.
1. “My university charges you to access your academic documents, despite costing you thousands of dollars a year to attend.”
4. “Insurance wouldn’t cover pills, only capsules. Script went from $2.73 to $56.91 because of that. It’s literally a pill shoved into a capsule. Complete BS”
When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.