If you love the charts and graphs post we do, then you’ll get a kick out of this. The only time we use maps these days is on our phones. And even then we don’t really study them…we just go where they tell us to. There are still plenty of beautiful nerds out there who love maps, and they keep making them for us. Here are some of the best ones.
1. “Atheists are prohibited from holding public office in 8 US states”

2. “Territories Where Married Gay Couples Can Buy Rifles To Protect Their Marijuana Plants”
3. “EU countries pushing to label nuclear power as green energy”
4. “This is the farthest place on earth from any ocean.”
5. “Countries which lost against Vietnamese farmers”
6. “Is escape a crime?”
7. “This map of all of the sunken Japanese ships of WWII is mind blowing!”
8. “Each star represents a Capital City of a country”
9. “Americans Were Asked To Point at Ukraine On A Map”
10. “Non-Black Majority Regions in Africa”
11. “Map for Halloween – Every Castle in Europe”
12. “Most common language spoken at home other than English or Spanish”
13. “The scariest thing in every European country”
14. “Tomorrow Night, we will have Aurora Borealis at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within the area in green on this map. Whether you can see it depends on how far North you are as well as cloudiness.”
15. “Population of Bangladesh = Russia + Kazakhstan + Mongolia + Estonia + Latvia”
16. “Uncontacted tribes in the deep Amazon.”
17. “Government request to remove content (Google) since 2011”
18. “Handedness of rail traffic in France”
19. “Population density of France and Germany”
20. “The most isolated cities in the world”
21. “Countries with no national animal”
22. “What is the game ‘Red light, green light’ called in various languages?”
23. “Average Fixed Internet Speed in european subcontinent as it was in September 2021”
24. “Poisonous SO₂ in atmosphere over Northern Africa and Europe due to vulcanic eruption on La Palma (windy.com)”
25. “Countries with Pizza Hut”
26. “Which drink are you closest to?”
27. “European languages by grammatical gender treatment (by W. de Melo)”
28. “The U.S.’ Google Searches of European Countries”
29. “The Midwest according to the people who identify as Midwesterners”
30. “In January 1992, a cargo ship leaned a little too far, and caused a container holding 29,000 rubber ducks to fall. This is the path those ducks took.”
h/t: MapPorn