Much of my childhood education involved some sort of handwriting. I remember having classes specifically dedicated to cursive. As an adult, I never use cursive. The “Penmanship Porn” subreddit makes me want to dust off my cursive skills, though. People are sharing their perfect penmanship in this group and it’s so satisfying to look at.
1. “Another One Of My Notes. Trying To Improve My Handwriting Every Time I Get A Chance”

2. “More Penmanship Styles With Ballpoint”
3. “My Niece’s Handwriting Is Very Precise. Calming Just To Look At”
4. “This Is The Whiteboard After One Of My Professor’s Classes. It’s Just So Nice To Look At”
5. “Foundational Hand”
6. “Futuristic Handwriting In My Building”
7. “Shopping List Found On The Street In Prague”
8. “My Journals”
9. “Here’s My Second Menu Board”
10. “It’s My Nan And Grandad 60th Wedding Anniversary Today”
11. “Hope You Like My Spencerian Cursive Script”
12. “This Person’s Handwriting”
13. “This Is My Bangla Handwriting. Anybody Bengali?”
14. “New Weekly Sign For Work. All Dry Erase Markers, No Stencil”
15. “I Hadn’t Written Anything In Super Long So I Broke That Streak Today”
16. “The Handwriting In My Grandfather’s Diary”
17. “Some Students Drew This On The Sidewalk Outside The School I Work At”
18. “You Either End Up Like Spongebob Or Live Long Enough To Become A Squidward”
19. “My Attempt At Gothic Writing”
20. “My Sister’s Homework”
21. “Three Fonts Using A Stub Nib”
22. “This Letter From My Pen Pal”
23. “My Boss Pays Me To Write Out Names For Birthdays, Thank You, Etc Cards”
24. “My Art Teacher’s Handwriting”
25. “Voltaire Knows What’s Up”
26. “My Psych Notes”
27. “My Younger Sister’s Handwriting”
28. “My Friend’s Neat Handwriting”
29. “My English Teacher’s Agenda”
30. “Starbucks Barista’s Handwriting”
31. “My Girlfriends Landlord”
32. “I Tried Handwriting. How’s This?”
33. “So, My Barista Remembered My Birthday”
34. “My Japanese Handwriting Practice”
35. “We Are All One Spark”
36. “Somebody Did A Real Nice Job Labeling My Takeout”
37. “Today’s Leftovers From Las Trojas”
38. “One Of My Fellow Law Student’s Handwriting Is Just Gorgeous”
39. “Beautiful Handwriting”
40. “My Grandpa’s Notebook From 1989”
41. “My Apologies For The Grid Paper”
42. “I Heard John Oliver Say This A Lot On His Show. Sailor Pen (Don’t Remember Which One), Apache Sunset Ink. Written On Traveler’s Notebook (Tomoe River Paper)”
43. “Russian Handwriting”
44. “Practicing Cursive”
45. What Happened? Bojack Horseman Quote”
46. “Fountain Pen Handwriting”
47. “Found On The Tube In London, Almost Made Me Miss My Train Home”
48. “Hope You Guys Can Enjoy My Classmate’s Handwriting”
49. “It Looks Like A Font”
50. “I Wrote This Alphabet In Foundational Hand”
h/t: BoredPanda