We All Have Rough Days, I’m Just Glad That Today It’s Them, Not Me (21 Pics)

So chances are it’ll be your turn to take the brunt of it at some point. That’s why it’s important to enjoy the times when it’s happening to someone else.

Funny fails are only hilarious with a little perspective…


1. Airbag randomly deployed two minutes after id parked my car

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2. There goes my evening. Skunk got into the garage and is stuck at the steps into the basement.

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3. Missed my pocket knife in the laundry.

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4. My favourite knife – defeated by some leek

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5. Our smoke alarm caught on first in the middle of the night

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6. I hastily chose the wrong bottle of the fridge and just covered my smoked salmon with caramel instead of dill dressing….

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7. First blowout on my 11 year old Camry, 3 swollen nuts so I couldn’t get them out and it’s raining outside and I’m on the highway :’)

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9. Just got home from a weekend roadtrip.

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11. Sofa made it from California to London, only to get stuck in the entryway.

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12. just arrived at my hometown and someone stole my bikes wheels now i gotta walk 6km with a bike frame on my back

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14. Drove over my phone.

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15. Someone left their bike under the wrong tree.

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16. This happened in less than 24 hrs. No trees or power lines around, just why?

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17. Local “home artist” posted this and quickly realized his mistake

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18. My essay got a 0 because the person thought I copied from the internet. Turns out it was MY OWN POST which I posted some hours later.

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19. Found out I’m allergic to old spice

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20. We already washed new jeans. Its inside store is far away and its been month (was in hometown for sometime) what I can do? Will it buzz if I visit some mall?

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21. Scaffolding Smashes Into Big Ben Just Days After £80 Million Makeover Was Revealed

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome