Just 17 Of The Most Interesting And/Or Informative Maps People Shared Online

We’re spoiled living in a day and age where we have a GPS on our phones. It’s almost impossible to get lost. I feel like I missed out on having to use an actual map to get somewhere. Nowadays, maps are great for visualizing data and learning something new.

There’s a whole community where people share interesting maps they’ve come across. Here are some of our favorites.


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3. I love how Africa’s third longest river takes such a long route to get to the sea from the source in southern Guinea.

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4. How Major Sports teams divide the United States

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5. New international border between Canada and Denmark. Hans island has been split today.

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6. Results of the 2022 Kazakhstan constitutional referendum. People overwhelmingly voted in favor of the amendments to the constitution which will grant more powers to the parliament and lessen the influence of the President.

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7. 16-Bit USA

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8. Host cities for 2026 FIFA World Cup

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9. US state borders but they are based off rivers and mountains.

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10. Latitude of World cities compared to Europe

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15. The MASSIVE number of rivers in Australia.

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16. Map of still inhabited cities older than the USA in the USA

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17. Literal translation of Chinese names for European countries.

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome