Well, That’s Mildly Infuriating And/Or Terrifying (30 NEW PICS)

I try so hard not to let the little things upset me, but what if I just let all the little things upset me so I could focus my energy on not being upset over the big things? That’s why lists like this are good for me to take in as a form of mildly infuriating desensitization therapy.

Hope you get the same from it!


1. Last night I hear a tapping and snaps. looked at the window and..this is on the outside. not the inside.(I am in a two story house, second floor. under the window is a roof above the front door)

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2. I put up a fence to keep my thieving and incredibly nosy neighbor out. He then puts up a camera so that he can look in.

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4. 2 years working with Amazon and I receive this:

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5. Bought a new build house and chose a location across from yet to be placed park since we had kids. Paid a premium for this coveted lot. Here’s the park they finally put in.

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6. Thank you, dum dum.

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7. Neighbour built a community library. Last night someone dumped chili and cat food inside.

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8. Can’t email my township unless you can see color, which I can’t.

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9. My wife insists this is normal…

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10. Left on my sister’s windshield… who is from Asheville, but has South Carolina plates… Stay classy Asheville.

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12. Lake Mead 1983 vs 2021

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13. My 12 year old cousin using her ps5 as a glorified extension cord.

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14. Late to work due to an unscheduled parade.

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15. My friend group forgot today is my birthday and went to see a movie we had plans to see without me.

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16. doctor gave a list of things not to eat to lose weight/maintain good health. it gets worse as the list progresses.

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17. The fact that humans breed dogs like this even though they will probably be in constant pain and have life long medical issues.

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18. my MIL cut my son’s hair without asking…

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20. Borrowed my car to a friend and this is how he returned it. (I’m a non-smoker)

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21. my light switch was installed upside down.

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22. Saw this luggage unattended at the airport and reported it. Was told it is a part of the duty free alcohol display.

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23. My friend found an Apple Air tag on her car. Genuinely scary.

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24. A friend of mine just sent me a picture of his dinner: A slice of cheese, salt, pepper, tabasco, soy sauce. Ignore the toe.

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26. Alien bedside lamp.

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27. People eating the traditional French meal of ortolan bunting. The white cloth over their head is to hide their sin of eating the this particular meal from god.

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28. Dressing that cat was a bad idea

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29. inside the Vatican

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30. This thing that washed up on an Egyptian beach…

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome